Defund Oligarchy
Blessed by Liberty
where perfect mercy meets perfect liberty
If you believe far right-wing movements have no place in our government or in the Church, this site is a place for you. No matter if it is in a democratic, constitutional republic or in a religion, there should be no compulsion to act against one's conscience. We are seeing a very narrow interpretation of Christianity being pushed under this administration, an interpretation so twisted that it has become a heresy to justify fascism and authoritarianism. True freedom of religion is found only under the separation of church and state. Whether it is your faith in the Constitution or your faith in Christ that brought you here, welcome to the resistance, friend.

In advocating for the separation of church and state and for the rejection of far-right ideologies, I draw a lot of inspiration from my Catholic faith and the works of Dorothy Day and Maria Faustina Kowalska. However, all are welcome regardless of your political or religious/nonreligious affiliation. Government should be secular and work in the interests of the People.The only Savior who ever walked this earth is Our Lord Jesus Christ, not the donkey or the elephant, and certainly not the tangerine. When I demonstrate against a politician, my protest is based on their words and actions, regardless of their party affiliation. Scripture commands me to serve Christ and to follow Him by living the Way of the Cross and practicing works of mercy, NOT to serve the interests of U.S. oligarchy. I support citizens voting for the candidate, not the party, that best represents their interests in protecting constitutional liberties and practicing mercy. I advocate for ranked choice voting so that one day We the People can be ruled by a truly representative government the way our Founding Fathers intended.
Defund Oligarchy
How is the U.S. becoming oligarchic? An oligarchy is not just rule by the rich but rule by an elite class consolidating power among themselves. "Defund Oligarchy" is not an "eat the rich" movement. Wealth becomes a problem when wealthy people use capital and means of production to exploit the working class and circumvent the function of our republic. A small group of private business owners now control the means of production across multiple industries, profiting off the backs of working poor. These oligarchs have semi-monopolies; our market no longer masquerades as free or fair. Yes, let's boycott, divest, and take our dollars back from unethical corporations, but we cannot stop there. This is a republic; we should not need to "vote with our dollars" in the first place. Our politicians should be accountable to the People. We must demand legislation that protects small business owners, family farms, and Floridian workers.

My Mission
A Florida where the Floridian People come first and where our wildlife, culture, and history is preserved and protected.A republic where no one profits off poverty, humans are not commodities, consumer safety comes before shareholders, corporations are not people, homes are owned by humans, a national guest worker program resolves undocumented immigration, employees collectively organize without fear, bodily autonomy is respected, human dignity is upheld, the death penalty is abolished, and the Bill of Rights is honored for all.
Final Thoughts
"Proclaim that mercy is the greatest attribute of God."
St. Maria Faustina Kowalska (No. 301)"But those who look into the perfect law,
the law of liberty, and persevere,
being not hearers who forget
but doers who act
—they will be blessed in their doing."
James 1:25"Then he will say to those on his left,
‘Depart from me, you accursed,
into the eternal fire prepared
for the devil and his angels.
For I was hungry
and you gave me no food,
I was thirsty
and you gave me no drink,
a stranger
and you gave me no welcome,
naked and you gave me no clothing,
ill and in prison,
and you did not care for me.’"
Matthew 25:41-43
© Blessed by Liberty 2025. All rights reserved.